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What is 301 Redirect?

A 301 redirect is an approach to display that the location of web site has changed permanently. When users type in url of original address then they will be sent automatically to the new address. This seems like straightforward thing to build up if you are moved to your site, so why is it value so much discussion? The answer is that there are many methods to direct a user to the site that is moved. If you are at a situation where you require the use of one of them. It is very important that you take the right option. Here are few examples of conditions that may call for use of 301 redirect;Changing Page Addresses: If you are keeping your original unique domain but making main changes to your site, addresses to the individual pages on your web site may change. For instance, if you are moving from the static html web site to using content management system like WordPress, The link might change from to the http:// Domains: Generally, you should not change the domains. When you have done good job of selecting the domain name then it is very easy for your customer to remember and they have linked your domains with your business that you don’t expect them to remember new one. Although changing the domain name, sometimes, can’t be avoided. May be your business name completely changed and you need new domain to reflect the change.Using Multiple Domains: Many businesses index multiple domains to point to their site. For instance,seo services you may need,,, and so on, and you need your site to come up on each of those domains. It is not wrong with doing this, you may end up being penalized by the Google. The correct way to handle this situation, is to use good buddy the 301 redirect. Your chief domain should be actually hosting your web site’s content, other domains that you want in addition to this should have 301 redirects set up so that to direct the traffic to your chief site. This permits you to use many domains that you like without duplicating content.

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