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SEO tips after Hummingbird update

IntroductionThe visibility or presence of a particular webpage in a research engine can be improved by the process called Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Around the globe it’s one of the vast industries for millions of people and more than one million users are reported by Linkedin for the “SEO” search.Short HistoryGoogle search engine was launched in 1997. The search engine invented by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, had a factor that helps categorize web pages named PageRank and the few webmasters back then wanted to profit from the Google’s starting fame.A toolbar called PageRank Toolbar that aids the webmasters to get informed about the “strength” of their website was launched byGoogle in 2000.A “nofollow” tag sponsored by Yahoo and MSN was launched in year 2005 by Google. But according to Google, PageRank is not at all improved by “nofollow” links.A tactic called “cloacking” was adopted by Google in 2006 to ban the websites and to make it more accurate, search engines started integrating social networks in 2009.To prevent the inferior content not toget the highest slot, stable search algoritm updates were launched in the last three years by Google.On-page SEO rules after Google’s Hummingbird updateQuality is the first priority of Google because websites are designed for humans rather than robots. But to attain such high quality, some rules must be followed otherwise the potential visitors from search engines could be lost. The most significant on page SEO rules after Hummingbird update are:Quality content – the content should be of great worth. It should be unique, diverse and helpful to the visitors and must have the potential to attract other users.Title tag – it should encompass precise description regarding the article.Meta description – although Google, in 2009, declared Meta description not to be a factor that influences the ranking however many webmasters claimed that Meta description, specifically those that contains particular keywords, have much great influence. Internal links – they not only allow the visitors to find a particular website but also aids in developing an information chain for the particular website.Images with alt attribute – images have more importance than words. They are a great worth in a website. However the search engine robots focus to the information supplied by the “alt” attribute because the images are not seen by them here for more information

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